I am Aleksei and this is my pet project.
Originally, I was going to get some practice after finishing a few study cources on programming.
But, after all, I deciced to keep this modest resorce online and present it as an addition to my CV.
My contacts are below the page.
Site features:
- Blogs creation, editing and deletion
- Commenting on blogs, comments deletion
- Bloggers' pages
Stack and technologies:
- Django
The project is based on Python 3.12 and Django 5.1.
The standard set of MTV - Models, Templates, Views - is used.
The views have been initially created as functions and then rebuilt as classes.
There is quite basic logging-to-file set up.
- PostgreSQL
Default DB setup is applied.
- Bootstrap
As you can notice, Bootstrap styles are applied. The frontend appearance wasn't the goal of the project, but anyway.
You can refresh the bloggers list or update your bio (you have to be authenticated) without reloading the whole page.
Just wanted to proof this concept by this small piece of HTMX functionality.
Regular set of endpoints is implemented by Django REST Framework.
You can take a look at the description in swagger or redoc formats.
- Tests
Unit tests are based on django.test and rest_framework.test libraries.
- Github
The source code is released here.
- Docker
The set of containers and volumes is built by Docker Compose
The project is deployed on virtual private server with domain name and SSL certificate.
Nginx is used as a web-server and reverse proxy server.
Site content is AI-generated and doesn't make any sense.
You can reach me by sending a message using this form. It makes sense to include your contacts in the message.